Keith Ferrazzi launch of “Who’s Got Your Back” at Arianna Huffington’s home

We’re proud to be associated with such a powerful message.  Who’s got your back is not just some new flavor of the month self-help book.  Our connectedness to others that are not just telling us what we want to hear, but instead telling us what we need to hear has been lacking.  This is the beginning of an amazing change for those willing to embrace what it means to have true lifelines and to be a lifeline to others.

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Keith Ferrazzi kicks off Who's Got Your Back at Arianna Huffington's

We’re proud to be associated with such a powerful message. Who’s got your back is not just some new flavor of the month self-help book. Our connectedness to others that are not just telling us what we want to hear, but instead telling us what we need to hear has been lacking. This is the beginning of an amazing change for those willing to embrace what it means to have true lifelines and to be a lifeline to others.

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Never Eat Alone Author Keith Ferrazzi doing social media right by listening

With excitement, pride and a dose of fear I’ve begun our campaign to help Keith Ferrazzi move into the realm of social media.  Keith is a respected thought leader in relationship development.  He writes and speaks passionately about relationships that are formed out of being vulnerable and generous.  At the moment, though, we are just beginning to breath a listening, transparent presence into what and who Keith Ferrazzi is online.

Don't go it alone - I can help you create success using my step-by-step approach to building your own dream team.
Don't go it alone - I can help you create success using my step-by-step approach to building your own dream team.

When I spoke with  Keith and Tahl Raz about it they were concerned, saying, “We want to do it right, our ideology is in absolute alignment, sociologically, and, we’re about to launch this book – as life changing a book as Never Eat Alone was…, ” And, it’s not a self-help book.  It’s a learn-how-to-let-others-help book.”

Keith and the Ferrazzi brand are online in all forms of media.  He’s well published, written about and often featured by major media like CNN and CNBC.  It’s just that his audience is not, largely being listened and responded to online.  Keith and the Ferrazzi team are not listening they way they feel they should.  And, together, we’re determined to change  – fast.  We welcome advice and participation.

The University of Phoenix has agreed to sponsor a “Who’s Got Your Back,” Road Show. I’ had never heard of something like this – but as a “giveback” to his followers and fans, Keith is delivering his 9-step program for building the ultimate team-based success strategy, complimentary to the public.  Take a look at this video of Keith’s explanation of what he and book are offering:

Find more videos like this on Greenlight Community

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How Can I Be More Effective?

How can I be more effective?  Is there a road-map I can use to improve my effectiveness?  What system or process does Jeff Marmins evangelize?  I hope to address these questions by establishing an amalgamation of ideas as a premise for *most* of what my ramblings are about here at

Time has shown that no one philosophy works for everyone.  We are all a work in progress, attempting to execute and learn concurrently.  I have a passion for examining ways to improve processes for efficiency in sales and relationship management. That kind of “workflow improvement” finds its way into other aspects of my life.  I also made my share of mistakes in years past that push me to learn and encourage effectiveness through character, values and principles.

Core Values as the driving force to an improved level of effectiveness

This model is the root of the “system.”
Driving Forces of Effectiveness


The model states that time-tested values such as  Vision, Identity, Purpose, Order, Concentration, Integrity, Harmony and Progression drive effectiveness to your desired level.  Each of these can be explored with some depth.  I’ll address each individually in separate posts. Collectively, they combat “resisting forces” like, “Too many things to do, Fatigue, lack of purpose, not enough money, not enough time, mental fragmentation, etc.”

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