Why Are You Still Using That Stupid Password?

password security red lock on electronic board

I’m not sure why this article from Slate, The Internet’s 25 Worst Passwords, and What They Say About You, popped up in my blog and article feeds today. It reminded me, though, of some of the clients that we work with and how they treat the password field. Short, easy to remember lousy passwords  – and they’re all the same for every website, social platform and web service. Aren’t we all reading the horror stories of compromised accounts and information?

Listen Up Already and Don’t Get Hacked

It drives me a little batty. We’re not an internet security company and don’t provide security advice but I’ve been around computers and network systems for awhile now.  I’ve had conversations with software and network security professionals that have changed my own behavior. Some of these talks were a little scary with regard to how vulnerable we are especially if we don’t do a few easy things to significantly decrease our odds of being hacked.

Security of stored digital information is relatively new. There are services available that permit you to enter your email address and learn “Which Of Your Accounts Have Been Hacked.”

Manage Your Information S.M.A.R.T.

When we engage a new client and have responsibility for online properties with passwords and login information we use a Google spreadsheet, Client Master Credentials Template. Not only does it serve as a single source of information for projects, it fosters sharing and trust. It’s not recommended as a solution; Usually it ends up being a tool to recommend using better passwords.

Deloitte consulting recommends using the S.M.A.R.T. approach – Strong, Multi-character, Avoid associations, Random, and Tools. Strong means long. The longer the better and the more difficult it is to crack. Multi-character means just that. Use everything that the site allows. No birthdays, pet names, child names -nothing associated with your personal life.

The best thing you can do overall is not even know your passwords yourself. Use a password management tool like Lastpass or SplashID that also has the capability of generating random passwords. The convenience of these tools is that they can easily integrate with your favorite web browser. Once you’re logged-in the software will take care of all your sign-ons with varying degrees of security that are easy to customize. You only remember the one password.

Need some help? Let us know and we’ll point you in the right direction.






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Apple Ipad Commercial and Why We Write Poetry Quote

I’m watching the NFL playoffs from the comfort of my living room, just like many other Pittsburgh Steelers players and fans. If you are too than you’ve probably seen the Apple Ipad Air commercial.

Cool. Inspirational. Creative.

We’ve come to expect cool from Apple. But this commercial is one I really like because it makes us think about how technology is weaving itself into the fabric of our lives. Right now it’s the tablet and the smart phone. Soon it will be a variety of wearable devices.

But that’s not all that’s cool. Robin Williams narrating the commercial with his classic quote from Dead Poets Society. Now that’s cool. It’s also compelling – daring you to live out loud.  Williams character in Dead Poets Society is Professor John Keating, one of my favorites. And, if you don’t recognize it from the commercial then perhaps you didn’t see Dead Poets Society, or need to see it again or share it with your children.

O me! O life!

“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, “O me! O life!… of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless… of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?” Answer: that you are here; that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?

 What inspires you? What will your verse be?

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Whitepaper: Seven Social Media Mishaps and How To Avoid Them

Opps Caution sign for social media mishaps

We’re excited to release an end of year white paper that provides some real tips on doing social better in 2014. Read these seven cautionary tales and the corresponding lessons. We’re confident that you’ll take-away something useful.

[button url=”http://c7group.com/whitepaper-seven-social-media-mishaps-and-how-to-avoid-them/” style=”red” size=”large” type=”rounded” target=”_self”]Get More Info[/button]

[freebiesub download=”http://www.jeffmarmins.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/7-Social-Media-Mishaps-and-How-to-Avoid-Them-2013.pdf”]

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Social Media Training Discount for Business Owners and Executives

no excuses social media for business owners

We launched an awesome discount of 50%  (Discount Code: Holidaywish) for one-on-one executive social media training. If you missed it then this is your week to ensure you begin 2014 with a stellar set-up and workflow to integrate social media into your business day. Don’t bolt-on social or try to program it as a stand-alone activity like most other projects and tasks.

man and woman having a conversation at computer keyboard while training in social media for business

Learn how to set-up your web browser, gather information online, synchronize information between desktop and mobile devices and find what you need when you need it. We combine in-person and live screen sharing sessions.

[button url=”http://ow.ly/s41Sg” style=”green” size=”medium” type=”rounded” target=”_blank”]Learn More & Book It[/button]

Making time for social is important. How you do it is important. Getting some training that offers you a safe place to get your questions answered will be one of the most important things you do for your business and customers in 2014.

Buy now or get in touch and ask your questions!

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Sharing Content – It’s the Little Things

Colorful fall scene reds and yellows on a gently curving paved road

When we sent our Happy Thanksgiving email using Mailchimp it was shared on Facebook. After all, why should our email of gratitude and holiday wishes only be limited to our mailing list? The pesky auto-post-from-one-online-service-to-another. It posted with Mailchimp’s logo from the email.


Perhaps you’ve done something similar. In fact, you may have abandoned some tools in their early releases because they transfered your well engineered blog post to a lousy text-only-link  on Facebook or elsewhere.  It sounds finicky, persnickety or some other thing that ends in “y,” that means workflow on social tools that just works like my toaster.

There is a bunch of little stuff and getting it right takes time.

Social media managers, community managers and many more are fiddling around with getting all of the details right that can contribute to making things work in concert.  And they break. And they change. The mistakes are public and need to be acceptable.

These days, the learning happens live. Right there in front of you. Hopefully it’s something small and annoying like this and not a contribution to the book of digital cautionary tales.

Of course, after seeing the post appear as it did to the right, this help, How can I choose the image thumbnail that shows up on Facebook was easy to find (Mailchimp has great support ). So, we can do it right the next time.

We’re still grateful. Have any of your own tips or mistakes to share?


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#musicmonday motivation [Video]

Does music motivate you? It’s an important part of my life. Recently we’ve been assembling playlists for different occasions on Spotify. My daughter loves her neon dance music list. My son is digging his “Action Cole,” list of high energy rock and roll. I like to think we’re a music family and I know the soundtrack of our lives influences our mood in a positive way.

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Be Vulnerable

I’ve given a lot of thought to vulnerability lately. The power of being vulnerable and the courage that it takes. Many of us believe the opposite. We protect ourselves with a shield of false bravado. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable means overcoming fear of failure or ridicule if we’re not accepted. Our relationships require it or they don’t succeed. We all make mistakes and have to apologize or we don’t move on. We perform better at work if we have permission to screw up as part of the process of learning.

The path to each other starts with our own vulnerability.” says Brené Brown in her talk, The power of vulnerability, from TEDxHouston. Watch it below…

Is there something that gives you courage? Or allows you to be vulnerable? Please share.

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Social Strategy Sandbox Podcast Update

Social Strategy Sandbox microphone and headphones photo

We know there’s a lot coming your way.

How many white papers, videos, powerpoint decks and podcasts can you digest and still be productive day-to-day?

Our hope is that we can offer some easy-to-consume value in the form of podcast interviews with thought leaders and industry experts. Our goals for the Social Strategy Sandbox is 30 minutes of fun, value and actionable take-away.

Brand New Podcasts

Click here to subscribe to Social Strategy Sandbox; Blue circle with music note and text

Association Online Communities

Our most recent podcast is How Associations are Capitalizing on Online Communities with Joshua Paul, Director of Marketing and Strategy for Socious Software.  The discussion covered the use of online communities for member engagement and collaboration. We also covered how decisions are being made to plan and use online community software for Associations and non-profits.

YouTube Video Deep-Dive

Earlier in August we had the pleasure of a YouTube video deep dive with film producer, video production and marketing expert Torrey Loomis. One thing is certain. If you listen to this audio you will want to go do some video. YouTube is a powerful search engine and should be a business requirement. Learn how to avoid some common mistakes and where to start on Why Your YouTube Video Sucks (and what you can do about it).

Photo of Euan Semple

Coming in September: What’s Working Now In Social Business? A Global View

Want to join us live? Please do on September 12th at 10: 30 AM Pacific for What’s Working Now In Social Business? A Global View . I’m going to get to chat with consultant, author

and former Director of Knowledge Management for the BBC, Euan Semple. Mr. Semple has a great podcast series of his own about the use of the social web in business. Give it a listen and I’m sure you’ll see why we’re excited to have him on the Social Strategy Sandbox next month!




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